Jetbrains one-click latest version activation

Applicable to the full range of Jetbrains products:

Including but not limited to IDEA PhpStorm WebStorm PyCharm ReSharper Rider GoLand

No need for all kinds of complicated crack method plug-ins,
Two-step solution, genuine permanent verification

  1. Download the latest version directly from the official website(JetBrains: Essential tools for software developers and teams),
  2. Then enter the server key collected by netizens,
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Compiling Nginx to make the blog support QUIC-HTTP/3

Enter the quiche patch developed by Cloudflare; Nginx officially announced support for HTTP/3 on the 10th, so there is another method. Since I am an old Nginx user, I will share the two methods of quiche patch compilation and official compilation of Nginx-quic, as well as the process of blog configuration.

Patch and compile Nginx

To patch and compile Nginx, the first step is to download the quiche of Nginx and Cloudflare, but the actual compilation also requires cmake, go runtime, and rust. Let’s go step by step.

Continue reading “Compiling Nginx to make the blog support QUIC-HTTP/3”